Become A [Re]Builder


"It is the little things that you do

that make a big difference in other people's lives"

Would you like to join our team and become a [Re]Builder? Rebuilding Together Long Island could use your volunteer assistance. Time commitment and schedules are flexible. Car necessary.

Please follow our TWO step process to apply.

  • First Step … Complete the Volunteer Application and the Waiver & Confidentiality Agreement

  • Second Step … All volunteers must agree to a Background Check (at a nominal cost of $19) prior to acceptance as a volunteer. Before proceeding to Step 2, the Background check, you may want to wait until you are contacted by phone.

If you have any questions concerning our volunteer process, we would be happy to speak to you. Please feel free to call our office at 631.777.7894. We will make every effort to find a spot for you, but please keep in mind, we don’t always have an immediate need. It could depend on your skills, our needs, your availability to volunteer during the week and the volume of work that we currently have.

NOTE: We currently are not able to serve the Hampton areas on the South Shore of our Island.

Volunteer Application

AFTER you click the SUBMIT button above,

please continue by clicking on the green

continue to step two button

or if you have questions and would prefer to speak to someone before doing the background check, a representative will call you within a few days.

either way, be sure to hit the submit button above.